A downloadable mod

heya! this is a fools mod for brutal orchestra made by me! mats! its based off one of my faviorite visual novels, BAD END THEATER!, go play it here if your interested: BAD END THEATER op Steam (steampowered.com)

in an update i also added charicters from her tears were my light, by the same creator, you can find it here: her tears were my light op Steam (steampowered.com)

this mod adds 8(?) fools, made to work in teams!

TRAGEDY and her cast: this team of 5 consists of TRAGEDY, HERO, MAIDEN, UNDERLING, and OVERLORD, all based around the diffrent colors of pigment, with TRAGEDY working for all of them, work together to win

Time and her lovers: this team consissts of Time, Space, and Nil, a support, a healer, and a damage dealer all in one fool! try to get as mutch purple pigment as you can get your hands on to make it work

we also got quite a few times, one for eatch fool, have fun!

Das - makeing the ability sprites for TRAGEDY and her cast
JulianDrende - for giving a few suggestions on how things should work
Devron, Blissfull and Fatty - for being supportive friends

patch 1.0.1
-fixed TRAGEDY healing the enemy at levels 3 and 4 instead of herself
patch 1.1.0
-TRAGEDY now deals 2007 damage instead of 999
-HERO now uses 1 pigment for Willpower and 2 for Justice
-MAIDEN now has a 10% chanse to heal party instead of 5%
-UNDERLING now places 4 shield instead of 3
-OVERLORD now has a refresh chanse for ambition
-charicter ID's deleted by the request of marmo
patch 1.1.1
-fixed spalling mistekes
-fixed OVERLORD'S ambition move haveing a 500% chanse to refresh, it now has 50% as intended
patch 1.2.0
-added 5 items that are TOTALY not the same idea coppy-pasted 3 times + a joke item
-added Mats as a fool in this mod, just for ezey of haveing everything in one place
patch 1.2.1
-slight mystery tweek
patch 1.2.2
-made Ambition chanse to refresh 67% instead of 50%
-gave the charicters propper sound effects
patch 1.2.3
-fixed gigantic mats
patch 2.0.0 the "her tears were my orchestra" update
-added Time, Space, and Nil from her tears were my light
-added an advertizement
-changed up the PLACEHOLDER item juuuussstttt slightly
-changed the name of the mod from  "BRUTAL END THEATER" to "BRUTAL END TEARS"
patch 2.0.1
-fixed Time's  "stuck" ability haveing higher pigment costs at later levels than intended
-Nil now deals 3 damage with indirect, and 5 with direct
-Space singulair heal now heals to the left instead of right
-time now produces 1 less purple pigment on all levels
-added propper sound affects to Time, Space, and Nil
patch 2.0.2
-added a new passive  "univercal imbalance" to Space and Nil as an insentive to keep them alive
patch 2.1.0
-added the human soul?
-added the smiling severed head
-added space and nil hearts
-changed nil's indirect damage to 4
-changed space's love to all to 3 HP
-changed all  "soul" items to be dolls instead
patch 2.1.1
-fixed OVERLORD ability icons
-fixed a few other stuff
patch 2.1.2
-made some sprites look better
patch 3.0.0
-completely re-worked TRAGEDY to allow her cast to have levels
-made ability icons slightly diffrent
-MAIDEN now also heals herself
-damage scaleing for HERO and OVERLORD
-shield scaleing for UNDERLING
-re-worked PLACEHOLDER
-still have to add overworld sprites for Space and Nil (il do it someday, Krisu)
patch 3.1.0
-made TRAGEDY be able to be played alongside other party members
-gave Space and Nil overworld sprites
patch 3.1.1
-fixed some more spelling mistakes
-changed how the PLACEHOLDER item worked slightly
patch 3.1.2
-changed Mats sprite in battle to make him taller and have a propper outline
-fixed spelling mistake
patch 3.2.0 "the jar update"
-added Jar Of Things
-added Edible Glass Shards
-added the enter the gungeon Guon stones
-changed UNDERLING'S back sprite
patch 3.2.1
-temp change Mats sprite
-PLACEHOLDER no longer has unthedered essence
-changed... something... somewhere...
patch 3.2.2
-removed pride Mats as it looked riddiculous
-fixed size issues with guon stones
-fixed wrong intent types on some charicters
patch 3.2.3
-Jar Of Things now has a low chanse to give other items from the mod
-Mats' damage move now deals 7/10/12/15 damage instead of 8/11/13/17 but now has a 25%/33%/50%/75% chanse to apply a scar
-The order of fools in the menue is now Mats-TRAGEDY-Time instead of TRAGEDY-Mats-Time
patch 3.3.0 bunsha items update
-changed Mats sprite to be a bit pointyer by the ears
-the PLACEHOLDER item works slightly diffrently
-added 4 shop items and 1 treasure
-added just Bimini
-added Little guy
-added Dollar "Buck"
-added Mats' icon
-added... hm... did i even add a 4th shop item?... seems like its not in the patch notes... maby someone just has to find it first
patch 3.3.1
-fixed TRAGEDY acsidentally becomming a hyper god
-Little guy now deals 11 instead of 15 damage
-added ???!!!... to the jar item pool
-fixed Space athempting to eat a gun
patch 3.3.2
-added Accused Scripture (by Fatty)
-changed how just Bimini works slightly
patch 3.3.3
-fixed spelling mistakes
-fixed Time sometimes crashing the game
patch 3.3.4
-added a second file that boosts Mats' Wrath for Wrath month
-Mats' Wrath now deals 24 instead of 12 damage and has a 50% chanse to apply 2 scars instead of 1
patch 3.3.5
-fixed spelling mistake
-fixed Little guy haveing the end turn trigger call, instead of start turn
patch 4.0.0  "bunsha fixes and new thing"
-added Techno! a fool with 13 diffrent abilities!
-changed Little guy to Little Fatty for his birthday

-fixed Mats applying 2 scars at level 3 -Mats now has a 20% refresh change on the "color" ability
-Accursed Scripture can now appear from the jar
-increased the chanses for Little Guy/Fatty to activate
-WAAAAYYYYY too many spelling and grammar fixes
-Just Bimini now applies more fire to enemy slots
-gave more passives to the Blue Guon Stone
-changed the description of the "special item" to better reflect what it wants of you -more stuff i probibally forgot
patch 4.0.1
-reverced Little Fatty back to Little Guy as Fatty's birthday is over
-slightly updated the math on Techno to have the correct chanses
patch 4.0.2
-fixed some Techno issues at later levels
-fixed some missplaced pixels
patch 5.0.0  "the great split"
-TRAGEDY'S theater move now removes devine protection from TRAGEDY and the one she is targeting
-added two new items,  "TRAGEDY'S Mask" and "Time's glasses"
-made Nil and Space heart items only spawn one of them and have a more clear description
-fixed spelling mistakes
-removed all the items that are not the Dolls or the Nil and Space hearts or the newly added ones
-removed Mats and Techno and PLACEHOLDER
patch 5.0.1
-fixed spelling mistakes
-removed that one 2007 coins item




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so frigking pogers dude…….